Customer Experience

Business success is all about delivering excellent customer relationship management. We’ll give you clarity and focus by creating a Customer Experience strategy which ensures you develop contented, loyal, happy and active customers.

The importance of customer experience

In today’s social age, where everyone has a voice, and everyone else is an amplifier, businesses simply cannot afford not to execute great customer service.

And, still on the subject of social, have you considered that their experience is every interaction a customer has with your business? That’s not just the transaction and service they receive, it’s every time they see your thoughts and opinions online, navigating your website and reading your reviews.

According to Jay Baer, Customer expert and author, “In today’s world, meaningful differences between businesses are rarely rooted in price or product, but instead in customer experience.”

Creating an outstanding experience is also a sure-fire way to move your customers through the journey to loyalty more quickly and more convincingly. And, as acquiring a new customer is thought to cost seven times more than maintaining an existing one, this will impact your bottom line in more ways than one.

How do you develop a customer experience strategy?

By working with Streamlion Consulting you can find the answer to this question, as well as getting ahead of the game to ensure you never have to deal with negative perceptions, posts or reviews.

Trustpilot, the world’s most powerful review platform refers to customer experience as the ‘pulse of every business’. They state that leaders in this area deliver, on average, 17% of revenue growth within 5 years, where poorer departments deliver just 3% over the same period.

The reason for this comes back to social media. People talk. Expectations are higher than ever. With the choice available in today’s world, there is simply no reason for people to accept second best.

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07790 493033

Skype: helen.j.Steel

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Company number: 09464869
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Station Hill, Cookham,
Berkshire, England, SL6 9BS


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